Please help Jasmine get ACL surgery
My name is Galen and I am Jasmine's mom. Last week Jasmine was running outside. I heard her cry out and she came back to me limping and not putting any weight on her back right foot. We went to the vet, and she has been diagnosed with an ACL tear and possible meniscus tear. I was quoted at 6,000 dollars for surgery to get her right let back to 95%. Thankfully I was able to find a place that will do it for around 5,000 instead. Although I was able to find a less expensive surgeon, this was an unexpected cost, one that I am not equipped to handle on my own, so I am asking for your help. Anyone who has met Jasmine knows she is the sweetest girl on the planet who absolutely loves to run and play. Seeing her in pain breaks my heart, and I would like to be able to get her the surgery she needs and out of pain as soon as possible. Anything anyone is able to donate will help. Thank you in advance for helping my baby girl get the surgery she needs.