Janette's Battle
Janette's Battle
Hello All who come across this campaign.
Who was Janette?
Janette was a loving mother ,grandmother , sister, best friend, mentor , amazing grandmother, coworker, and just the person you need on your team.
Janette was dedicated to her work, her family and her relationship with God.
She was the best friend you needed, a shoulder to cry on , a place to stay when you had no where else, a person to laugh with and a person who wouldn't pass judgment on you. If you ask anyone or just simply view her Facebook wall you can see how loved she was, and all the loving supporting comments from he family and friends.
The epitome of an angel on earth.
On October 11th my aunt (Janette) was seen at LEXINGTON MEDICAL CENTER because she was symptomatic from Covid-19 and wanted to be sure that she was doing well.
During her visit her oxygen was monitored and as it fluctuated for a few hours from 95%-98% she was then told she had Pneumonia and water in her lungs( later finding out it was swelling in the lungs) , she was sent home on antibiotics with hopes of healing. Janette was concerned of the well being and safety of herself because of her pre-existing condition Diabetes
October 14th (day 10 with Covid-19
At around 2pm on this date Janette was found unresponsive with her oxygen percentage at 48%.
She was then hospitalized , and would remain unresponsive until the date of Monday November 9th where we had to say our last goodbyes to Janette.
During her stay Janette was planned to have a Tracheotomy But, never received it ,and She then ended up with Pulmonary fibrosis.
She was given cats scans and was discovered she had swelling in her brain , and ultimately was brain dead.
and on November 9th was when our angel won her battle.
Who am I and why am I doing this?
My name is Alberto Merizalde, im Janette's Nephew.
Janette was very close to me, and not close as in we chat casually but, close as in her being more than my Aunt , a best friend.
She offered me a home to stay when I needed a new start, and til this day she holds things with her that no other person on this earth knows.
She loved me as if I was her son, and treated me no different from her own daughter. She was our queen
I started this campaign to help raise awareness and also funds to help with funeral arrangements, hospital billing, and any other necessities that Shailene (Janette's only child) and her two young boys Mason(5) and Jesse(3) will need during this difficult time.
We want everyone to be safe, bottom-line.
This virus is real and out there, it is crippling and hurting people from all over and we need to be better.
From better treatments and intensive care at Hospitals so that there isn't any neglect, and people aren't being sent home without proper assessment because done promptly this virus can be battled.
To being more safe and cautious in our homes, work places, recreational centers etc.
We appreciate all donations of any kind and anything will help
but our most important thing is that we share this post and help spread awareness.
Thank you everyone for stopping to read this , we appreciate your time, love , effort ,and support in this difficult time.
WE WILL stay strong for our angel, and we just ask that everyone may keep my family in their prayers.