Fighting Rare Disease With No Cure
Hi everyone, my name is Stacy Lowrey. I suffer from a rare condition which causes incredible pain. The condition is CRPS/RSD; I have had the disease for five years now. There is no cure, it's now effecting my entire body and I am getting worse. I cannot continue to work due to the debilitating pain and sleep deprivation. Treatment is expensive and has caused us financial hardship. There are some alternative treatments which might offer some relief. With financial help, I will be able to help pay my medical bills and seek these alternative treatments. Any help you give will be greatly appreciated.
Wiki's Explanation of CRPS
Paula Abdul's RSD Story (Which is eearily close to mine and many other stories I've heard about.)
I've put a few links above that might be insightful, and there is more information on Google. If you would like to hear my full story, please feel free to contact me.
I cannot thank you enough. <3
Stacy Lowrey