Cover These Bare Walls with Quilts
Linda Pumphrey is launching this campaign to raise funding to pay for the lighting and hanging system in the new ground floor gallery at the International Quilt Study Center & Museum in Lincoln, NE. The gallery will be used to showcase work from contempary quilt makers, regional quilt groups and special selections for the IQSC&M collection.
Linda Pumphrey has already donated the money to complete the new floor gallery and now is in the process of raising the funds. Please support her in supporting the new gallery.
Quilts are usually made with many pieces and with donations small or large we can piece together the necessary funding to achieve our goal of covering the walls.
The mission of the International Quilt Study Center & Museum is to:”inspire an understanding of the cultural and artistic significance of quilts by collecting, preserving, studying, exhibiting and promoting discovery of quilts and quilt making traditions from many cultures, countries and times."
The International Quilt Study Center was established in June 1997 when native Nebraskans Ardis and Robert James donated nearly 1,000 quilts and an endowment to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
During the center’s early years, the Ardis and Robert James Collection of Antique and Contemporary Quilts were stored in a renovated climate-controlled space in the Home Economics Building on UNL’s East Campus. The IQSC used these quilts—along with other additions to the collection—to create exhibitions that displayed in galleries on campus and around the world.
In 2008, the IQSC moved to Quilt House, a 37,000-square-foot building with three exhibition galleries and state-of-the-art textiles storage. The project received private funding through the University of Nebraska Foundation and a lead gift from the James family. More than 130 quilt guilds and quilt organizations in three other countries provided gifts toward the building.
In 2015, IQSC&M with a gift of The College of Education and Human Sciences, International Quilt Study Center & Museum and University of Nebraska Foundation will celebrate the groundbreaking of a 13,000 square-foot addition to Quilt House with a private reception on June 20.
In 2015 IQSC&M will be expanding. The expansion, which was made possible by a $7 million gift from the Robert and Ardis James Foundation to the university’s Campaign for Nebraska, will feature new gallery space and additional room for quilt collection storage and care.
This campaign is in addition to the above noted expansion.