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Mayo Clinic for The Cradduck's

Donación protegida
Benton County Sheriff Kelley Cradduck and his wife, Sabrina, have had the unfortunate experience of having to travel to The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Sabrina has been very ill for several months with no diagnosis from local doctors or specialists. They were encouraged to make the trip to The Mayo Clinic in hopes of finding a prognosis. Upon arriving in Minnesota, the Cradduck's were told that their stay would be much longer than expected; February being the earliest release date for Sabrina. With this extended stay, miles away from home, not only comes the abundance of medical bills but the inconvenience of lodging. Sabrina is undergoing numerous procedures and tests daily, not needing the added stress of worrying about finances and expenses. Their Law Enforcement Family is creating this account in hopes that some of their burden can be eased.


  • Correct Solutions LLC
    • $100
    • 10 yrs


Keshia Guyll
Bentonville, AR

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe