Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Itter Family

Spende geschützt
Hi Friends and Family,

As you might be aware by now, our mom lost her battle with cancer. It has been a long journey for her, and she put up a great fight, but glory was calling her home. While we knew this day might come one day, we had hoped for the best to have just a little bit more time with her. However, the news this week of a sudden decline at a rapid pace caught our family off guard. So, I've created this account with the hope of helping with the memorial costs of honoring our mom. Any donation you consider blessing us with will be used directly towards memorial expenses. Once covered, should there be any remaining balance, I will create a trust for our mom's grandchildren to be shared evenly.

I appreciate your consideration and would like you to know if you cannot contribute to our cause financially at this time, we understand and would be grateful for your support in keeping our family in your thoughts and prayers during this time and the days ahead.

With much love,


Link to mom's obituary and scheduled service times attached below:


Nathaniel Itter
Saginaw, MI

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt