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Italy needs your help to fight coronavirus

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Coronavirus is affecting people across the whole world, but, like I’m sure lots of Italian people living in the UK, it’s horrifying to see the chaos this virus has brought to Italy. 

Being here in the UK, it’s difficult not to feel helpless as I see the impact the pandemic is having on the people of Italy. I grew up in Milan, the epicentre of the outbreak in Italy and hearing from my friends and family about how their lives have been affected is heartbreaking. 

I want to show solidarity with the people of Italy during this moment of crisis, and I would urge all of my fellow Italians in the UK to do what they can to support our home country. 

The Croce Rossa Italiana (Italian Red Cross) is doing incredible work to help people affected with the virus, as well as supporting people in quarantine by providing much needed supplies. 

I know the situation here in the UK is extremely serious, and I would encourage you to donate to the British Red Cross too if you are able, but please, if you are fortunate enough to be able to support this campaign, then do.

Thank you,


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    • 10 € 
    • 4 Jahre

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Frankie Dettori
Associazione della Croce Rossa Italiana

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