Isabel’s Family Medical Fund
Donation protected
Hello my name is Isabel, mom, wife, full-time employee & advocate for our family & myself. It’s taken a-lot personally to ask for help not out of pride but in shock of the health system, insurance process & government programs. I know that my support system & circle has always offered to help in time of need & unfortunately, due to many variables in our circumstances that have recently unfolded, we are now needing your help.
Our family does have health insurance through my employer (PPO with a high deductible), we also have not been successful in qualifying for any welfare programs nor other government programs.
We’re asking for help towards:
*** Outpatient surgery (not covered until deductible is met)(my procedures such as biopsies, labs and other procedures did not roll over from the end of last year)
*** Pre & Post Op Recovery (will be on leave for about 3 to 4 wks, time frame has not been determined yet by employer or doctor)
*** Kylee & Niko’s medical bills (specialist & medications not covered by insurance)
Our Situation:
In October of 2023, for “mental health issues” (severe anxiety, ADHD, OCD & severe depression (all diagnosed by professionals) I had to take an immediate “short term disability” for 12 weeks to achieve a “therapeutic stage” on medication that I would than have to be weened off of. During this “time-off”, I made an appt for a annual visit with the gynecologist. Since the beginning of my cycle 20+ yrs ago, I have suffered from endometriosis and had noticed it worsen. After multiple visits & procedures, my diagnosis came back as cervical & endometrial cancer #majorcurveball (never expected it)
But with faith, all the positive energy & medical assistance it will be surgically removed May 15th. (Other multiple appts are also scheduled for other procedures, pre & post op visits)
*** UPDATE*** Surgery has been rescheduled for other medical procedures required prior to surgery (a date is set but due to the uncertainty of the effectiveness it’s not concrete) With Power of Prayer we’re hoping soon this is over with.
Regarding Kylee & Niko - I do not wish to go into details, my kids have and are already going through a-lot.
Kylee was diagnosed with Chron’s/Celiac disease within these past couple weeks after a hospital visit for strep. She is being treated & are waiting for results for other underlying medical concerns.
Niko has officially been diagnosed with OCD, severe anxiety & ADHD after 4 yrs of seeing mental health professionals & receiving therapy in multiple departments. We have avoided medication for many years but now that he needs it, it’s not covered by our insurance and neither is some of his “treatment plan”.
It’s a-lot to handle for two income earning parents, the time we have to take off for multiple weekly appointments not just for us 3 but the entire family has put a dent in our day to day financially and we have since last October been trying to keep our heads above water.
I’m extremely grateful for all those that have called & kept in touch with me these past couple months. It’s been a-lot to communicate & to explain our situation, both mentally & physically exhausting. We hope that you all understand that we have been doing OUR best to keep up with everything & everyone. Thank you for all the prayers, words of comfort, advice, holistic remedies & OVERALL the genuine hugs!!
Our Blended Family Consist of:
Our oldest, whom we affectionately call “Pinky” currently residing with his mom in Oklahoma & will be graduating his senior year this May (day before my surgery). Pinky is the most kindest, centered & loving young man which we’re very proud of. Full time student & Full time employee in his senior year ❤️
Emiliano, (Emi for short) our second oldest, our go get’er, kind & beyond his years will too be graduating 8th grade and going into his first year of High School. He’ll be joining Vet Med, FFA, 4H, student council & soccer this coming school year
Kylee, 2nd mom, my backup (10 yrs of age) sweetest, most understanding & caring soul you’ll ever meet, just don’t upset her lol. She has mastered the side eye. She loves everything that glitter sparkles, fuzzy, cuddly & colorful. ✨ She too would like to be in the Veterinary field and adopt every 4 legged fluffy creature possible. (She has requested a Teacup Calf )
Max, most outgoing, the cool kid with all the “friends” & level of common sense unlocked, goofy & whom has dominated the dark humor inherited from mom . Would like to become a structural engineer & youtube all his adventures with Niko. ❤️
Niko, full of adventure, loves the outdoors, everything nature, from dirt to insects to chickens, you name it he knows it. He one day would like to become an entomologist and a “wildlife you-tuber” with his brother Max. He lives for & loves “Coyote Peterson” also known as #bravewilderness.
J & I (Jesus & Isabel), both Florida natives, both hard working parents, always present, tag teaming our everyday demands. “J” works for himself full time as a painting contractor, owner of Florida Paint Life LLC. Friendly, outgoing and most of all a great dad.
I, (mom) also work full time as a Remote Truss Designer. Lover of all of my family & genuine friendships. Passionate of all things nature, so far as establishing a successful sanctuary for pollinators, bringing great joy to our entire family & community. I love to live by the words of “today for you, tomorrow for me” & completely aware that we all need each other in some shape or form.
Today we’re asking not for handouts but for your help. Thank you ALL ❤️

Isabel Pinon
Ft. Pierce, FL