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IronBlue: Paul's Ironman for Ocean Protection

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IronBlue: Dive into Change and Help Paul's Ironman Journey for Ocean Protection!

Hey there, ocean enthusiasts!

I'm Paul, a 24-year-old French machine learning engineer based in the vibrant city of Paris. When I'm not deep in the realm of sciences and tech, you'll catch me tackling triathlons or fine-tuning beats for my electronic music projects.
My love for the ocean runs deep, thanks to my Italian roots and countless scuba diving adventures. Last summer, I joined forces with the inspiring members of All For Blue, a Greek environmental organization on a mission to safeguard our seas and oceans through educational programs and hands-on cleanup efforts. All For Blue supports both global actions around the world and local projects in Greece.
Picture this: Halikounas Beach in Corfu, a Greek paradise tainted by plastic waste. I've participated, alongside the All For Blue Corfu volunteers, in the huge clean-up of the Halikounas beach in August 2023. All For Blue gave me the opportunity to see how polluted local areas can be. This experience fueled my determination to make a difference. Now, I'm gearing up for an Ironman challenge in Lanzarote this May 18th 2024, where plastic pollution also threatens the stunning Spanish beaches.

But here's the twist – I'm not just racing for personal glory. I'm launching a crowdfunding campaign to turn every stroke, pedal, and stride into a powerful statement for ocean protection. The funds raised will be donated to All For Blue, fueling their impactful initiatives and spreading the message of environmental stewardship.
  • Why All For Blue?
I'm backing All For Blue because, with an Italian mom and a childhood spent diving into the deep blue with scuba gear and fins, the ocean is practically family. Whether I'm doing laps in the open sea or rocking triathlons, my love for nature runs deep. Supporting All for Blue isn't just a choice; it's my way of ensuring our oceans stay as awesome as they've been for me – a playground for adventures, free dives, and all the good stuff!
  • How the funds will be used?
The funds collected during the IronBlue project will be donated to All For Blue to support its missions. Specifically, these funds will play an important role in providing essential equipment to the 24 local volunteer teams operating in areas such as Corfu, Syros, Kalimnos or Litochoro. This way, young ocean advocates will have a chance to make a difference in their local communities. Additionally, the financial support gathered during this initiative will enable the organization to launch and sustain projects in remote areas, where environmental conservation efforts are often most crucial yet challenging to implement effectively.

  • All For Blue
All For Blue is a Greek environmental non-profit organization with international outreach, founded in 2017 by Katerina Topouzoglou. Its mission aims to educate the younger generation about protecting the marine ecosystem and informing people about single-use plastics and ways to avoid them. Through both theoretical approaches and hands-on actions, All For Blue seek to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, formation of attitudes, development of skills, and active participation of individuals or groups in addressing various environmental issues.

To date, All For Blue has organized over 400 beach and underwater clean-ups and has removed more than 320 tons of waste from the seafloor. All For Blue has awarded over 60,000 certificates of attendance to students, throughout Greece and abroad, who have participated in their educational programs. Through these efforts, 24 volunteer groups have been established across Greece, to which All For Blue provides equipment and guidance.

To find out more about All For Blue, click on this video link
Join me on this incredible journey! Let's rally together, raise awareness, and make waves of change. Let’s turn the tides and protect the oceans we love.

Support Paul's Ironman for Ocean Protection now!

#DiveIntoChange #IronBlue


  • Anonym
    • €220 
    • 2 mos
  • Victor Baillet
    • €20 
    • 3 mos
  • Nicolas Fleury
    • €13 
    • 3 mos
  • Jacques Lacroix SCBSM
    • €200 
    • 3 mos
  • Huguette ROBINEAU
    • €50 
    • 3 mos


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