Indigenous Peoples Day NYC 2019
The Indigenous Peoples Celebration of New York City is seeking funds for its fifth annual FREE gathering on Randall's Island, which will take place over two days on October 13th and 14th and will feature many indigenous performers and speakers!
As always, we throw this event to honor and celebrate the Indigenous Peoples of this land. Our purpose is to highlight and support the current national movement to change outdated holidays and monuments honoring figures who have brought harm on the vulnerable populations. Specifically, we support and propose that Columbus Day be changed to Indigenous Peoples Day in New York City and that all monuments honoring Columbus be removed, as honoring this man is rooted in inaccuracy and celebrates a tragic history of genocide and violence against the Indigenous Peoples of this country. New York City’s celebration of Indigenous Peoples Day would contribute greatly to the healing of America’s indigenous community, and it would honor this community’s resilience, strength, and ongoing contributions to American culture and history. Indigenous Peoples and their voices are more important now than ever, with this community leading the way on current, urgent issues like the growing call for greater environmental awareness and protections.
We ask that New York City to join Los Angeles, Seattle, Phoenix, Denver, Minneapolis, Portland, Sante Fe, Berkeley, Rapid City, Madison, and many other cities who recognize that now is the time to change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day. Please help us raise funds to support this free community event as we gather on Randall's Island for two days to celebrate Indigenous Cultures.
Event Organizers:
Schaghticoke First Nations
Safe Harbors
Seeding Sovereignty
Redhawk Native American Arts Council
United Confederation of Taino People
Nā 'Ōiwi NYC
Panushe Express
Semilla Warunkwa
RedRum MC
Red Spirit MC