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In Remembrance of Calli Joy Morrow

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As unbelievable as the situation is, it is with so much pain that I say Calli Joy Morrow passed in her sleep yesterday.
She was so kind to anyone who needed help, she was sweet, and genuine, and she had such a great heart. Her middle name, Joy, is just what she brought to us all. Her big crazy laugh, reflective of her big crazy personality, is one thing I loved so much and will be sorely missed.
She had finished her degree last summer and was moving along in her career as a drug and alcohol counselor. She was one of the brave ones who chose a low-pay, career that she was passionate about just to make a difference, rather than going into the world to make money but no meaning.
She was funny, and beautiful, and loud, and charismatic, and a feminist, and passionate, and a daughter, and a sister, and a lover, and to everyone a friend. And although she's gone, she is not forgotten.
Our hearts ache at the thought of what this all really means as we go along. The pain is immense and there truly are no words in this moment that feel right.
While there is so much grief and so many questions, the world does not stop turning and we must keep going. As you can imagine, this was all terribly unexpected. This is being set up to cover the costs of these unexpected events. All funds in excess of the costs of final arrangements will be given to our mom, Donna, in order to help in this hard time. Calli had started, promoted, and donated to many GoFundMes in the past, as it was always in her nature to help other's and better the world where she could. In this moment, I hope we can all do the same for her.


  • Kirra Spitz
    • $20 
    • 6 yrs


Brooke Morrow
San Jose, CA

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