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In Memory of Teka Techema

Don protégé

1954- 2019 እ. ኤ.አ. አቶ ተካ ተቸማ በርጋጋ ለሕክምና ብለው ወደ ላስ ቬጋስ ከመጡ በስድስት ቀናቸው በህመም ምክንያት በሆስፒታል ሳን ራይዝ ባደረባቸዉ ህመም ምክንያት በ12/03/219 ከዚህ አለም በሞት ተለዩን የአባታችን ተካ ተቸማ የቀብር ስነስርዓት አገር ቤት ስልሆነ የገንዘብን እርዳታ እንዲደረግልን በትህትና እንጠብቃለን ነፍስ ይማር


On December 3rd, our beloved Teka Techema passed away from his long, painful battle with liver cancer. Just days ago, we brought him from Ethiopia to receive proper medical care and treatment in America. He passed away at Sunrise Hospital just 6 days after arriving from Ethiopia. He never got a real chance to fight his illness.

He has 5 children, both young and adult, who still reside in Addis Ababa and are left in deep pain by the death of their father. They are now seeking help with funeral costs to lay him to rest back home in Ethiopia, the life-long home of him and his entire family. 

Whatever way that you are able to help, we thank you. Big or small, it means the world to his loved ones who are struggling deeply at this time. 

All proceeds will be going directly to his daughter, Alem Techema. 

Again, we thank you and God bless.

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  • henok Adhanom
    • $40 
    • 4 yrs
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Alem Techema
Las Vegas, NV

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