In memory of Sara and Ismael Quintanilla
Please consider helping my brother and sister-in-law who were cruelly murdered May 8, 2021 and in supporting and sending love to the only survivor their 17 year old son. His parents were gunned down and their home set on fire.
It still doesn’t seem real. I was just visiting them a few of weeks ago. Just the day before we talked about the flowers we sent in our Mother’s memory to our home country. And he shared with me a video of his son’s first lacrosse game. And now today I woke up and they’re gone and my nephew is an orphan.
All funds raised will go directly to funeral costs and care for their son. Please share, please spread the word. Any help is truly appreciated!
Por favor de ayudarnos para el funeral de mi hermano Ismael y mi cuñada Sara Quintanilla que fueron cruelmente asesinados 8 de Mayo, 2021 y ayudar y compartir su amor para su hijo de 17 años el único sobreviviente. ¡Cualquiera ayuda es muy apreciada!