Donate in memory of Paul Bradley Deeb
Pablo was Paul's world, initially trained as a guard dog, Paul had got Pablo to make him feel safe, to feel protected, but Pablo became so much more to him. He was his friend, comforter and companion. Though big and scary looking, Paul's love for him forged him into a gentle giant, Pablo made life better for Paul, gave him focus and purpose. Paul often would say "Pablo saved my life". Paul was always about helping others, so in his memory and in lieu of flowers, we thought it fitting that for anyone who wants to do something in his memory, they can give to the charity "Assistance Dogs Australia".
Thank you in advance for your support, care and contribution to this cause, it means so much to us as a family, as we know it would to Paul.
More information about Assistance Dogs Australia: Assistance Dogs Australia trains dogs that specialise in support for people with a physical disability, autism or PTSD. As well as providing a range of services to these individuals and their families.
Dogs are placed completely free of charge with clients across Australia.
It takes two years to train and costs up to $60,000 to provide a qualified Assistance Dog. This covers all training, food, veterinary treatment, kennelling costs and placement with a client.
Peter Deeb
Devon Meadows, VIC
Assistance Dogs Australia