IATSE Local 80 Fundraiser
Tax deductible
This campaign benefits IATSE Local 80 members who work as Grips, Crafts Service, Medics, Marine Boat Handlers, and Warehouse Workers by providing funds for our Mutual Aid Pantry. The funds go toward items available for free to our members purchased by volunteers. ANY donation helps make an impact!
Since 2020, our membership has been rocked by covid, months of strikes, and a few years of declining production rates in the US resulting in a loss of over 80 million dollars in wages. Our members continue to face increasing financial strain and a lack of job opportunities which has burdened many with serious changes in quality of life.
In April of 2023, two members of Local 80 began a completely volunteer run Mutual Aid Pantry at our union hall available to any and all members with no questions asked. The pantry expanded from one shelving unit to four large shelving units, two tables, a commercial fridge, and a freezer now servicing an average of 50 members per week! The goal was to create a resource helping to alleviate food insecurity and grocery expenses during the strikes, but has since blossomed into an imperative reserve for many of our members in need.
Local 80 is committed to helping our members weather this storm. We have partnered with The Handy Foundation. https://www.handyfoundation.com/. This nonprofit is dedicated to creating pathways and training in below the line crafts. They have graciously offered fiscal sponsorship of Local 80’s GoFundMe campaign. For that reason, all donations are tax deductible.
DeJon Ellis
Burbank, CA
Handy Foundation