Help Pinball PA Survive The Pandemic
Our story is not very different than anyone else's, really. The Coronavirus has shut down our business, Pinball PA. When things first started, we did what any good citizens would do. We closed the doors. We listened to our elected leaders. We took assurances from them that there would be financial support from the government to ensure that the necessities of business would be adequately covered during this unprecedented event. In short, we did what everyone did - we closed down and we waited.
Unfortunately though, that support never came. While we filled out all the information and applications for each and every loan/grant that the government said would be there for us, NONE of it materialized. Not a single penny. Further, as we've watched and learned more about the event, it's become more political than practical, and more driven by power battles than what is in the best interest of the citizens of our city, our county, our state and our country.
Pinball PA has spent the last 6 years developing what we feel is a fun and affordable outlet for people in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, neighboring states and actually all over the world to enjoy. Our collection is very extensive, and we do our best to keep it as the best maintained collection in the world. We pride ourselves in knowing that we've created a place where thousands of families have created some of their best memories. People have traveled from as far away as Japan to visit. Famous rock stars like Barenaked Ladies, Dokken and Keel have all visited and raved about our facility. Gamers of all types have come, enjoyed our collection, and for so many, have relived a part of their youth that had gone away.
We want to continue, plain and simple.
With this, we need the support of our local community. We have gone into deep debt due to the Coronavirus, and given the complete lack of support we've seen, we now must ask our customers and friends to help out where you can.
If you can help with a dollar or a hundred, it's humbly appreciated. All the monies, every penny we receive, will be used toward keeping the lights on and the bills paid. We aren't looking for funding for any personal gain - only to continue moving forward with bringing you the entertainment complex you've grown to love.
Thank you in advance!!