OPERATION: Stop the Bleed
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No matter how rapid the arrival of professional emergency responders, bystanders will always be first on the scene. A person who is bleeding can die from blood loss within five minutes, therefore it is important to quickly stop the blood loss. Those nearest to someone with life threatening injuries are best positioned to provide first care. It is our goal to encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives.
During the past decade, active assailant/shooter incidents have dramatically increased worldwide. This has become a very serious public health epidemic. These incidents not only directly impact families, but also have devastating consequences on the nation, our communities, and first responders. We can all make a positive difference in the outcomes of these incidents, by training civilians to immediately initiate bleeding control measures.
Recently, a gunman opened fire at a music festival, injuring over 500 and killing 59 innocent people. These attacks continue to escalate and it is now time to begin training our citizens on how to react when faced with a situation that requires action to save a life. By increasing the number of trained civilians actively involved in rapid bleeding control, we will save lives. Through this program, our organization, the Rhode Island Disaster Medical Assistance Team’s Medical Reserve Corps (RI MRC) will collaborate with partners to leverage RI MRC’s experience in training every day Americans to take action.

The program will activate teams of registered and trained Medical Reserve Corps health professional volunteers to provide bleeding control education and rescue skills to citizens and organizations.
Our program will utilize a surplus HUMVEE to deliver training in unique locations, like special events, retail shopping center parking lots, sporting events, or any other high traffic locations. The introduction of this mobile capability will make an incredible impact on our preparedness. Bringing the mobile training vehicle and team to a location will provide every day citizens an opportunity to learn how to save a life with 12 minutes of training. It’s just that simple, 12 minutes to learn a skill that could save your loved one’s life.
The HUMVEE is a specialized vehicle that will naturally draw attention where ever it goes. We already have the HUMVEE and can begin work right away. Your support will recondition the vehicle to create a digital learning platform. During the reconditioning we plan to paint, apply informational graphics, install computers to enable our presetnations on pull out monitors. This will allow us to train large groups of people in just 12 minutes. The program content will focus on teaching how to apply direct pressure, a wound dressing and tourniquet. Each student will have the opportunity to practice the skills on simulation manikins right there next to the vehicle. They will walk away confident in their abilities to act in an emergency.
Providing bleeding control, recognition, and response education is a harm reduction intervention that has been demonstrated to saves lives. Please help us make a difference.

No matter how rapid the arrival of professional emergency responders, bystanders will always be first on the scene. A person who is bleeding can die from blood loss within five minutes, therefore it is important to quickly stop the blood loss. Those nearest to someone with life threatening injuries are best positioned to provide first care. It is our goal to encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives.
During the past decade, active assailant/shooter incidents have dramatically increased worldwide. This has become a very serious public health epidemic. These incidents not only directly impact families, but also have devastating consequences on the nation, our communities, and first responders. We can all make a positive difference in the outcomes of these incidents, by training civilians to immediately initiate bleeding control measures.
Recently, a gunman opened fire at a music festival, injuring over 500 and killing 59 innocent people. These attacks continue to escalate and it is now time to begin training our citizens on how to react when faced with a situation that requires action to save a life. By increasing the number of trained civilians actively involved in rapid bleeding control, we will save lives. Through this program, our organization, the Rhode Island Disaster Medical Assistance Team’s Medical Reserve Corps (RI MRC) will collaborate with partners to leverage RI MRC’s experience in training every day Americans to take action.

The program will activate teams of registered and trained Medical Reserve Corps health professional volunteers to provide bleeding control education and rescue skills to citizens and organizations.
Our program will utilize a surplus HUMVEE to deliver training in unique locations, like special events, retail shopping center parking lots, sporting events, or any other high traffic locations. The introduction of this mobile capability will make an incredible impact on our preparedness. Bringing the mobile training vehicle and team to a location will provide every day citizens an opportunity to learn how to save a life with 12 minutes of training. It’s just that simple, 12 minutes to learn a skill that could save your loved one’s life.
The HUMVEE is a specialized vehicle that will naturally draw attention where ever it goes. We already have the HUMVEE and can begin work right away. Your support will recondition the vehicle to create a digital learning platform. During the reconditioning we plan to paint, apply informational graphics, install computers to enable our presetnations on pull out monitors. This will allow us to train large groups of people in just 12 minutes. The program content will focus on teaching how to apply direct pressure, a wound dressing and tourniquet. Each student will have the opportunity to practice the skills on simulation manikins right there next to the vehicle. They will walk away confident in their abilities to act in an emergency.
Providing bleeding control, recognition, and response education is a harm reduction intervention that has been demonstrated to saves lives. Please help us make a difference.

Brooke Lawrence
West Greenwich, RI
Rhode Island Disaster Medical Assistance Team