Help Me Get A Car
Hi, my name's Tucker, and I need a car. For nearly ten years now, I have struggled to try and save up enough money to buy a car. Every time I've gotten close to having enough money saved up, something would happen, be it a lay-off, illness, or something breaking around the house, and my savings would get wiped out. The setbacks were annoying, but it always seemed as if I'd have a chance to save the money up again. Now, unfortunately, it's clear that without help, I'm not going to be able to do it, and I really need a car right now.
I have found myself the sole caregiver for a friend who is mentally ill and if I'm going to get them into treatment, I have to have a car. I have been managing to get around on a Razor scooter (you can see the handles of it in the picture) and with the help of some friends since there's no mass transit in this area. That won't work for getting my friend into treatment, and for me to be able to do many of the other things that I need to do, such as finding a better job.
I'm not looking to buy a new car or even one that's slightly used. I'm looking for something that will reliably get me around town and enable me to drive my friend to a therapist on the days that they need to go. Until I can get a car, I have no hope of getting my friend into treatment, and her condition is such that she's incapable of surviving on her own without someone taking care of her. The sooner I can get a car, the sooner I can get her into treatment. So don't think of your donation just as helping someone get a car, you're helping to save a life. Because without treatment, my friend won't be able to stay with me much longer (she's an untreated schizophrenic and can be disruptive at times) and her family is unwilling to help her out. Thank you.