Honcho Campout Queer Fam Fund 2019
With the success of 2018's Queer Fam Fund (QFF), we are bringing the program back this year with the hope that it becomes an even more momentous achievement. We built this program to expand and further diversify our community and share this weekend with those who may not have the means to attend without assistance. We are at our best when we are truly inclusive, and claiming inclusiveness is very different than doing the work to *be* inclusive. We aim to meaningfully serve the community; thus, we have to be intentional with a plan of action.
The QFF will help cover an individual’s travel to camp and provide food and shelter for the duration of their stay. This includes:
1. Travel Stipend (varies): This will be used to help cover travel costs whether it be a bus ticket, a portion of an airline ticket, gas money, etc. We understand that everyone has different circumstances, so we will try to accommodate everyone as best as possible.
2. Meal Plan ($175) : We're excited to partner with Kate Romane of Black Radish Catering for a third year. The Meal Plan is healthy, delicious and a hassle-free way to stay well nourished. It includes brunch (10am-1pm) and dinner (5pm-8pm) Thursday thru Sunday. Both meat and veggie options will be available for each meal, and special diets are generally taken into account.
3. Camping Gear ($139) : We will provide the Basic Camping Package from Outdoors Geek which includes a two-person tent, 2 sleeping bags, and 2 sleeping pads for the entirety of the event. On top of gear, we plan to have all tents and equipment set up and waiting for you upon your arrival.
View the package here: https://www.outdoorsgeek.com/product/basic-camping-packages/
4. Camping Fee ($65) : This fee, which all campers pay as part of their General Admission Ticket, will be covered.
*** Honcho Ticket Fees are waived for all chosen recipients. This is Honcho's contribution to the fund. All money donated to the QFF is used to assist with the costs listed above. ***
This is sensitive matter, so, as a result, the identity of those who apply and are selected for the fund will be kept confidential. All entries will be reviewed by Honcho, sarah huny young (aka HUNY) of Darkness is Spreading, and Shane Christian (aka Kiernan Laveaux) of In Training. This questionnaire is a crucial step in helping us determine who will receive support from the QFF. We will select as many individuals as the fund allows, but we may not be able to provide for every single person who applies.
If you are interested in applying to the QFF please click here: https://forms.gle/8vpE97izyd9rbDhQ8
All entries must be submitted by July 8, 2019. Individuals chosen to receive funds will be notified by July 15th, 2018.
Only one entry per person, please!