Homeless because of house fire on Thanksgiving Eve
My name is Cendie the apartments me and my family were living in caught on fire Thanksgiving Eve the two attached apartments burned down and ours ended up with smoke damage and structure damage that it's unsafe and is being demolished to the ground. What we are trying to do is get containers and boxes so we can get what we can out of our home and fuel for gas to the trucks and cars needed to help in the move plus storage. This is a terrible nightmare Please help us out Your help will be a Big Blessing Thank you Everyone
There's a terrible change in our circumstances. The apartment is too toxic and unsafe for us to grab our things or even our clothes it is being demolished next week! Please help us. The youngest Adriana just turned 8 and Natalya is 16 we are trying to figure out how to keep them in school clothes and supplies that way they're not too stressed. It's really hard but I Thank God everyday since this happened that we still have eachother. The landlord has given us two weeks to go through our place and see what we can keep it's really emotional this is nothing either of us expected. We are able to keep some of the clothing, bedding and personal items. The rest we have to sell and throw away. This can be a Blessing and Heartbreaking at the same time but we are still trying to find a place everyone's so stressed but holding it together. Thank you Everyone! We can still use your support and prayers it's a hard road we are on right now. Again Thank you again for listening to our progress and your support ❤️ God Bless You All!