Holiday Bible School - House of Prayer Nkumba 2019
Donation protected

We feel like this is a great platform to bring home the kingdom of God to these little souls because Jesus said, “let the little children come to me, for the kingdom of God is theirs”.
In our community 80% of the people are Catholics, but God has given us an extra grace that parents allow their kids to come to our non-Catholic church by themselves. On a regular Sunday morning we can have over 100 kids attending our Sunday school. As a community church, we would love to provide an opportunity to these kids by offering this holiday program as a way of reaching out and showing them the love of Christ through different activities like Bible time, crafts, meals, and other interactive activities. By doing this, we are striving to lay the right foundation in these young lives because they are the church of tomorrow.
To learn more about our church and to see photos of our amazing kids (as well as photos from the Roar Holiday Bible School after it's held), find us on Facebook! Click here to go to our Facebook page.
You can also check out our church website.
To see our donations wish list and all the details, go to our Donations Registry .
A brief overview of what is requested on our registry is listed below:
* $16 - Sponsor a child for $16 to come to VBS for entire week (includes 5 snacks, 5 meals, and a shirt). Our goal is to have at least 40 children sponsored. We could possibly have up to 60 children (if we receive enough funds) based on our space and number of volunteers.
* $250 - Provide lunch (beans & rice) for volunteers and unsponsored children for entire week
* $120 - Provide snacks for volunteers and unsponsored children for entire week (fresh fruit bowl and local pancakes)
* $75 - Donate the vinyl backdrop (this will cover the wall behind our stage!)
* $150 - Safari decorations: Help us turn our sanctuary into an African savanna!
* $200 - Craft, games, and supplies
* $200 - Sand for the playground
* $120 - Thank you appreciation party for all of the volunteers
* $300 - Misc items: Nurse payment, Friday parents' tea event, extra tables, cleaning supplies, disposable plates, napkins, meals/snacks for planning meetings, etc.
Note: GoFundMe is a free service (except for cc processing fees), but they will ask you for a tip. You can choose "Other" and enter any amount from $0.00 and up. A donation to their site is not necessary to give to our ministry.
*Any amount over our goal will go toward converting the chicken house into a Sunday School room which would also be used for the Holiday Bible School if done in time. The cost will likely be around $500.
Thank you for laboring with us as we embark on such a wonderful journey of transforming and redirecting lives of the children in Nkumba!
Laura Kasibante
House of Prayer Children’s Ministry Director

Kasibante Valentino
Acworth, GA