Hiking for Hope
Donation protected

As most of you already know, I am hiking the Appalachian Trail and I've been chipping away at the miles. I've made it over a fourth of the way and my next huge milestone is the half way point!
I've decided to take the opportunity to redirect all this love and support. Now, when people ask how they can help, I say, "Help me spread love and hope and donate to my campaign... Hiking for Hope!"
I have 2 non-profit organizations that I am passionate about....
A Kid Again &
KY Children's Advocacy Centers.
So, 100% of money raised will be split 50/50 between these 2 amazing organizations!!!... also, all transactions and donations will be documented once I finish 2200 miles.
So what are these organizations all about you ask? 

KY Children's Advocacy Centers: To put it simply, they are bringing awareness to the issue of child abuse and empowering communities to do something about it! Made possible with a collaboration of law enforcement, social serivces, prosecutors, mental health, medical, and child advocacy. It's all about serving children who have been impacted by violence, sexual abuse, and trauma with a holistic approach.
The services provided include legal and mental matters. Legally, Children have a support system to get their justice and are coached in finding their voice in the court room. All the while, not beating the story out of them over and over so they dont have to be re-victimized. Mentally, children are provided support to move forward from the trauma. How to have healthy relationships in the future and to cope with the pain. Did you know that 1 in 10 children experience sexual abuse before they turn 18!? Heartbreaking!
For a better look at this organization take a peek at this video. https://youtu.be/mvy2C87aVMc

A Kid Again: The main theme of this organization is, "GIVE ILLNESS A TIME OUT."
Their mission is to make sure that every child with a life-threatening illness in America can be A Kid Again. These illnesses not only effect the idividual, but the entire family... They're facing endless doctor visits, hospital stays, fighting insurance claim denials, scheduling appointments, medications, etc. Other family members can get lost in the middle of the chaos. That's why it's so important that they include the whole family in every adventure they host year round. Whether a child is battling an all too common disease like cancer, or a rare disease like Hunter Syndrome, they ALL deserve to be a kid again.
Funds raised go towards event tickets, parking, momentos, and momories so families don't have to worry about anything and can focus on the fun! AKA makes it possible for them to forget about the illness, feel normal, and get a break from the grind... even if it is for a day. For some families, it's the only thing they have to look forward to.
Here are some of families A Kid Again has helped...
Meet Grant https://youtu.be/0VLBtRTi5tg
Day in the life of Evan https://youtu.be/5KoOuIHZha8
I hope these non-profit organizations have touched your heart as they have mine.
My goal is to raise $5 per mile I hike! I assure you, I am a women on a mission!
Please help these children and their families find the silver lining. Spread a little hope and help someone in their darkest hour.
If you do not have the funds to donate, you can still help. Share this with your friends and family.
Share on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! It's easy and can make a huge difference! ❤
Fun fact:
Donating makes you feel like you're wearing an invisible cape

Amanda Bess
Crestwood, KY