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Hiking to Everest Base for the Borne Charity

This is a big year for the Scummy Mummies! 2023 marks ten years since Helen and Ellie met at a terrible comedy gig in South East London. More than 250 podcast episodes, 500 sold-out comedy shows, and 17 suitcases of catsuits later, it's time to scale new heights.

In March, the Scummies will take on the two-week trek to Everest base camp. There they will attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the highest stand-up comedy gig on land, performing their daft jokes at an altitude of over 5300 metres.

Obviously, they're doing it for fun and attention. But they're also raising money for Borne. This is a charity close to their hearts, as Ellie's son Joe was born nine weeks early in December 2014. Today he's a healthy, happy little boy, but not every child is so lucky.

Every year, 15 million babies are born prematurely, and 1 million do not survive. Of those who do, 1 in 10 are left with a life-changing disability. It's a massively under-researched and underfunded area, but Borne is dedicated to changing that. Their mission is to find answers, improve care, and save lives. Because no baby should be born too soon.

If you want to support Helen and Ellie, and improve the lives of mothers and babies - please donate. Go on, you'll feel like a great humanitarian all day. Thank you!



  • Jan Roberts
    • 10 £ 
    • 1 Jahr
  • Amanda Rabbetts
    • 10 £ 
    • 1 Jahr
  • Lucy Wensley
    • 5 £ 
    • 1 Jahr
  • Anonym
    • 10 £ 
    • 1 Jahr
  • Harriet Inglis
    • 30 £ 
    • 1 Jahr

Spendenteam (2)

Helen Thorn
The Borne Foundation
Ellie Gibson
Team member

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