Henry Butler Cancer Treatment
Henry Butler, the renowned New Orleans pianist and singer, has recently been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. Henry is blind and lives mostly in New York City,
We are trying to raise a minimum 35K as quickly as possible to send him to Germany for special care where he can receive hyperthermia treatment from a renown doctor and have the around-the-clock supervised medical care he needs. The money will also be used to get him the extra help he will need for the duration of treatment and recovery.
The doctor feels optimistic that he can eliminate Henry's cancer using mainly thermotherapy, a treatment in which body tissue is exposed to high temperatures (up to 113°F). Research has shown that high temperatures can damage and kill cancer cells, usually with minimal injury to normal tissues. This may also be used in conjunction with more traditional radiation and chemotherapy. You can read about thermotherapy here:
Having been blinded by glaucoma in infancy, Henry has been playing the piano since he was six years old, and arranging, composing, and performing professionally since he was twelve. He has enjoyed a remarkable career as a premier exponent of the great New Orleans jazz and blues piano tradition. Once you’ve heard what Henry's hands can create on the ivories, there’s no going back. Those hands boogie the keyboard like no one else’s. Throw in a classically trained voice aching through the blues, and you’re someplace you have never been before. And you will want to go back there. Again and again.
Henry is not only a national musical treasure, but a wise and spiritual human being. We are hoping that between Henry's fan base and his stature in the music community, we can reach our target of 35K and get him treated by February. Many musicians whom we know are giving $50. If 700 people did just that, he would reach his goal. Perhaps some of you can donate much more. Perhaps some of you can donate less. But anything you can give to help Henry beat this cancer will so deeply appreciated both by Henry, and by the musical communities of New York City, New Orleans, and beyond.
He has many concerts coming up this spring and summer in the US and Europe and he is committed and hoping to continue performing for his fans old and new.