Bcenter - Beyond Stroke Fund
Donation protected
My name is Valerie Greene - I am the founder of
Bcenter - a 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to helping my fellow stroke survivors

Headquartered in Winter Park, Florida, we are the largest stroke support group in Central Florida.

What We Do
We provide outreach services - locally and globally - to empower stroke survivors and their caregivers with treatment resources, hope and direction. Our goal is to help survivors overcome and transform their lives beyond stroke.
Our vision is to build a world-class stroke recovery center for restoration & healing.
Bcenter provides a variety of programs impacting & improving the lives of stroke survivors...
B-coached – personal & on-line coaching & mentoring.
B-supported - Winter Park Hive of Hope support group. - Monthly meet-up for social, activities & therapy education.
B-well, B-empowered, & B-connected programs provide survivors 24/7 access to live saving information through our state-of-the-art web portal- Bcenter.org
B-aware - Improve stroke awareness via lectures, panels discussions, symposiums, media placements on local and national print, TV, radio and Public Service Announcements (PSA's).
B-educated - Distribution of educational resources
B-visited - Hospital visitations personal or via skype
B-careful - Investigation of stroke services flooding the Internet.
When I survived two massive strokes at the age of 31, I was told I may never walk or talk again.
Hope & direction were hard to find.

Determined to recover, I researched everything and vowed that one day I was going to change this.
It became my life purpose to provide a place to learn about therapies that I had collected throughout my journey. Ultimately, leading to my remarkable recovery.
So I formed the Bcenter - Beyond Stroke - The first of it's kind for stroke survivors by a stroke survivor.

Many lives have been saved, hope restored and direction provided.
There are more than 20 million stroke survivors in the world today and every 2 seconds someone has a stroke.
Sadly, they are younger & younger.
In order to continue providing hope & help and to expand our outreach programs & services, we need everyone's support!
Contributions will be used to:
• Secure meeting space for 2017
• Secure activity and therapy fund for support group
• Expand programs
We are a 501(c)(3) public charity so gifts in the U.S. are 100% tax deductible.
God bless your generosity,

Give in Honor A Family Member or Friend
or Memory of a Loved One
" Life is an echo ...
What we send out, comes back.
What we sow, we reap.
What we give, we receive.
Valerie Greene
Winter Park, FL