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Helping My Dad Fullfill His Final Dreams

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Where do I even begin... my world has been turned upside down.
On September 13, 2018, I was informed that my father has cancer by his general doctor and I had to inform my father that he has cancer. That to this day was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I had to sit down in my dads hospital room while he was waking up from a biopsy, look him in the eyes, and tell my dad he has cancer at the age of 58. I couldn't even get all the words out. On the 17th of September, I was informed that it was diagnosed as Stage 4 lung cancer. When he said that number I lost it. I am a daddy's girl and  never did I think that I would ever hear that out of his mouth. From there the cancer has spread to his liver, lymph nodes, and a small spot on his spine. His oncologist stated without treatment he would only have about 6 months left and with treatment up to 2 years. As the doctor said this is not curable, only treatable, we are only buying time. Now, I truly understand the "Why". Why does my dad have to be sick? Why my dad? Why does has God decided to put him through this? So many "Whys"

So, my dad has been going through chemo once a week for about the past 2 months now. Some days he is feeling well and some days he is not. That is the hardest part for me. Is that my dad is terminally ill and dying and there is nothing I can do but to show my love and support and its so hard. I check in on him daily, go to chemo appointments with him when I can, making sure he eats, gets to work, takes his medications, etc.

Another hard part about this process is that my parents are divorced and have been for many years so my dad has put me has his advocate for everything.  Sitting in the lawyers office and watching him sign his will was a moment I will never forget.

But now the reason for this GoFundMe page is to help my dad go on a trip if time allows us. While sitting in the lawyers office my dad stated that he has always wanted to go to Alaska before he dies and I want to make that come true.

Since my father is very sick sometimes he cannot make it work and has said he is basically losing money working due to bills and having to take time off for feeling sick. So, I am hoping to raise as much money as I can to take him on these trips to show him how much I love him and how much I want to fulfill his dreams before he is gone. I love my dad more than he probably knows and I want to be able to make these memories with him to remember some amazing times before he passes. I would truly appreciate any amount, it would mean so much and I whole heartily would be so grateful.  I am also doing this as a SUPRISE to him because I do not want him to stress over the money issue when he is going through so much already. Thank you all so much again.



  • Robert Adams
    • 50 $ 
    • 5 años


Erin Elizabeth Hall
Dearborn, MI

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