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Help Genie Fight ALS!

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This is my friend Genie raising money for the Literacy Program where she works empowering adults to lead better lives through Literacy.  That's the kind of person she is:  strong, energetic, smart, dedicated, active, funny and kind.  In the past four months we have watched ALS rob  Genie of her ability to drive, walk, type or even feed herself.  All her life she has worked for nonprofits, helping other people.  Now it's our turn to repay that kindness.

Genie is a fighter!  She is still working part time and wants to stay an active and contributing member of the community for as long as she is able.  Adaptive technology holds many opportunities for Genie to live with less pain and stay more mobile and independent, but her insurance will not pay for many of the things she needs to stay ahead of her symptoms.   Right now the list includes a specialized air mattress that can reposition her during the night, since she can't move herself; a better laptop that includes integrated voice and eye movement functionality.  It is likely to very quickly include a motorized wheel chair and vehicle lifts to carry it.  

One of the horrible things about ALS is how quickly Genie's needs change.  Today's must have list gets additions all the time.  Insurance companies move slowly and are not invested in helping people retain quailty and independence in their lives.  But Genie deserves better!  We want to support her with practical tech that will make her more comfortable and keep her active, and you can help us do just that by making a contribution today!


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Karen Delaney
Santa Cruz, CA
Genie Dee

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