Help Creamy Recover from Vicious Attack
Tax deductible
Help Creamy the cat recover from a vicious attack.
Spectracare Foundation committee member Kathleen Van Stine takes care of local feral cats near her home. "Creamy," named after an orange creamsicle, would often visit and enjoy a meal before running about his day. However, a few weeks ago, Creamy arrived with a deep wound on his neck. He wouldn't allow anyone to get too close to care for him out of suspicion and uncertainty.
After several weeks of building trust, a spark of safety and assurance in his eyes could be seen. Then, local volunteer Kelly donated a drop trap - a trap with a much higher success rate. Finally, the opportunity of a lifetime presented itself, and Creamy was successfully trapped so the wound could be addressed.
Unfortunately, due to the depth and severity of his wound, he needed four surgeries, ran into issues with delays and needed further debridement.
We ask for your support to cover medical expenses as we determine Creamy’s next steps.
Spectracare Foundation