Help Zack transport himself!
Donation protected
Hello my name is Zackry and on Oct 24th 2023, I had a seizure behind the wheel while on my way home from work. Needless to say there was an auto accident.

I broke quite a few bones, the big ones being my neck, my left femur and forearm (both the ulna and radius). I was rushed to U of L Hospital and was under the care of their amazing trauma team. We found out that the vertebrae I had broken in my neck had sheared my carotid artery. So after multiple surgeries to repair my arm and leg the surgery team wanted to get me ready for a surgery to repair my artery; giving me blood thinners to prepare me. Thats when my vitals plummeted and I began showing signs of a stroke. It turns out I was bleeding behind my stomach and when I was put on blood thinners a clot was sent to my brain, damaging my right hemisphere.

But I fought through it all, even giving the nursing staff hell when I was awake due to ICU delirium. I survived to wake up 3 weeks later, the medical team unsure if I'd talk, let alone walk again since they weren't sure what damage the stroke had done since I had been sedated. But thankfully the stroke did not effect my long cognitive ability, just impacted the physical ability of the left side of my body; mostly my hand. From the ICU at U of L I went to the Frazier rehab facility that U of L is partnered with. In 11 days I went from not being able to walk or use the bathroom independently to being released to home on a cane come December 2nd.

Since being released home I've been working on getting better; physical and psych therapy has become my norm.
Now it's time for me to get back to work, especially since I have a son coming now. The only issue with this is the lack of reliable local transportation. Legally I can't drive currently and I'm lacking a car regardless. TACK does a fine job for my medical appointments because medicare pays for the rides but it becomes rather expensive to get TACK to take me to and from work, especially since it's at minimum $9 one way.
So that's why I'm asking for donations again; to acquire transportation I can use to get and maintain a job.
I've already gone through the process of working through what would be the best option for me and my family and myself agree an electric scooter of some kind would be the best option for me. They have far range, lights and should I have a seizure again, there's not a lot for me to get caught up in.
Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me and hopefully with this next step, I can get my life back to some normalcy.
If anyone would like to be kept up to date with me and my recovery, seek me out on Facebook; Zackry Burckley

Zackry Burckley
Elizabethtown, KY