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Help Workers Receive Free Employment Services

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Sadly it is not a secret that our food might be a product of slave labor or worker abuse. It is also a common fact that these professions are highly dangerous, especially to those who work in slaughterhouses or out in factory farms.

If our society is going to be able to move towards a sustainable system we need to offer a paved road. Any donation will help Directly support free services for workers who are brave enough to transition their career.

Brave New Life Project is supporting workers to transition out of the animal agriculture industry and into careers that are more humane, sustainable and prosperous. Anyone within the animal agriculture industry who wants to transition is eligible for job preparation, training services, translation assistance, integration with mental health and behavioral services, and any other applicable wrap-around supports.

We love working to overcome systematic oppression in our food systems, that is why we are building workers alterative choices. BNLP aims to implement the IPS supported employment model for the meat processing industry, using a holistic approach combined to customize an employment plan for each individual.

 Currently we are offering help with immediate job placement, and creating a sustainable farming education programs for the future. This will empower people to have a choice of where to build a career next.  Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause and supporting your community in ways that matter.

More information about Tindakan tindakaninnovations.org (Bfl): Tindakan supports solution based endeavors that focus on ecological & social justice issues, worldwide.

Spendenteam (2)

Brave New Life
Longmont, CO
Bands for Lands
Donya Hnath
Team member

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