Help with Transgender Healthcare
My name is Blair, and I'm a 27 year old trans woman living in North Carolina. Being transgender means that the gender that was assigned to me at birth, the gender that legally represents me on official documentation, does not align with the gender I actually am. My assigned gender is based simply by anatomy, but does not reflect who I am inside. Dysphoria is the symptom of feeling uncomfortable with your body, gender dysphoria specifically referring to the discomfort with typically gendered traits that don't align with your actual gender. In order to combat this, I am seeking a medical solution. I am currently in the process of HRT, which is the step of taking hormones, which for me means taking estrogen, anti-androgen, and progesterone. In terms of price, it all adds up fast. GRS is the most costly part. Gender reassignment surgery can refer to three different surgeries when it comes to someone who's AMAB like me: SCS (bottom surgery) for vaginoplasty, BE (top surgery) for breast augmentation, and FFS (face surgery) for facial feminization. I'm currently working part-time, looking for full-time, and uninsured in terms of health, so between living paycheck to paycheck and the general cost of those three surgeries coming to around $44,000 to $74,000, any help would be wildly appreciated! That's, of course, on top of generally living day to day, which is currently a struggle. Being a struggling millenial is already hard enough without being trans, so any support I can get from y'all would mean the world to me!