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Help Keith

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As some of you may know, Keith was diagnosed in May with Esophageal Cancer. Keith has since had five surgeries and is expected to have another. The last surgery that was done we were told they needed $5,000 first before they could even schedule the surgery. We have deferred things and minimized as much as we can without disrupting our son's everyday life. While Keith has a huge sense of pride I have watched him struggle with finances  to pay the numerous hospital and doctor bills since being diagnosed with this cancer. He would never ask for assistance but it's hard to watch every penny of savings this man has ever worked for go out the window and not say something about his(our) needs. He is in and out of the hospital and I am constantly driving back and forth to Emory hospital with our son which also takes money for parking, food, and gas. We pay what we can but are often left with pennies(if that) to live on. We are asking for any help you can give us. The bills just keep mounting up and the stress is overwhelming for us both. I hesitate to ask but I don't know what more to do. We both have so many wonderful friends that offer help but we never quite know what to ask for and we struggled with this because it seems so insensitive to ask for money in times like this, but that is genuinely what we really need right now. Money for bills, money for food, money for gas, money for oil changes, and money for other necessary items that are just needed on a daily basis.  So, if you're reading this and you would like to help us in some way the portion of his doctor bills are now in the thousands and we can really use some help. The funds will be used responsibly and sparingly.  Thank you for your time and considerations. God Bless.


  • Ashley Pike
    • $20 
    • 6 yrs


Janai Higgins
Canton, GA

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