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Wenjings Xu Tragic Murder, Help Her Family

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This is Wenjing's cousin here Jennise, me and my family would like to help her family by starting this GoFundMe me page. 
Wenjing was a cheeky young girl who had a dry sense of humour; she was always true to herself as many people said, "she always spoke up to what's right and believed that it was important to stand up for what you believe in." My heart and many others are in sorrow to know that she is no longer with us anymore; her family & friends and everyone that knew her miss her dearly. 

My cousin Wenjing Xu at aged 16 was a victim of Murder.  She was meant to go out to celebrate a friends Birthday on the 5th of March in Wales, tragically before she could go, was killed by a 31 year old man who now faces Murder and Attempt murder charges. The man is facing attempt murders over stabbings on her step-father who is now suffering from severe injuries, he is now recovering  in hospital. 

Wenjing was the main supporter for her family especially her mum who raised her alone majority of her life. She was the only person that spoke English in the family which meant she ran her mothers business and supported her mum in many ways. This tragic end to her life has ripped her mothers life apart and her family. The tremendous pain her mum is facing now to have to go through the loss of her daughter and to even see her husband in such a poor state.

I kindly ask to please help her family through this tragedy, any amount is appreciated. Thank you for the love and support everyone has given so far. 

Jennise Thien


Jennise Thien

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