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Help Vladenka Beatović in her fight against cancer

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Dear friends and kind-hearted people,

I am writing to you on behalf of my dear family member, Vladenka Beatović, who has been bravely fighting colon cancer since September 2021. Her struggle began with a diagnosis of stage IIIB. After the first operation, Vladenka underwent a colostomy and received six rounds of chemotherapy.

This fight was extremely difficult for Vladenka. She began to lose her hair, her body weakened, and she spent her days immobile, struggling with the pain and side effects of the therapy. Even the simplest tasks, like getting out of bed, became impossible.

The doctors told us that she might not survive, but Vladenka continued to fight with all her might. She went through 11 surgical procedures in the last three years, due to the removal of metastases and intestinal rupture. She survived by finding incredible strength in her love for life and her desire not to leave her children. Her biggest wish is to live to see her grandchildren and see her family grow.

That dream is now closer to being realized thanks to sotorasib therapy, which has significantly improved her quality of life. However, the costs of therapy and potential personalized vaccines are high, and the family can no longer afford them. So we are asking for your help.

Your support would give Vladenka the best possible chance for healing and a long life without pain. Your help would mean everything to her, to us, and to anyone struggling with similar challenges.

We thank you in advance for any form of support you can provide. Your help gives us hope and strength to continue this difficult fight.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Dragi prijatelji i dobri ljudi,

Obraćam vam se u ime moje drage prijateljice, Vladenke Beatović, koja se od septembra 2021. godine hrabro bori sa karcinomom debelog creva. Njena borba je počela dijagnozom stadijuma IIIB. Nakon prve operacije, Vladenka je podvrgnuta kolostomiji i primila je šest serija hemioterapije.

Ova borba je za Vladenku bila izuzetno teška. Počela je gubiti kosu, njeno telo je slabilo, a dane je provodila nepokretna, boreći se sa bolovima i nuspojavama terapije. Čak i najjednostavniji zadaci, poput ustajanja iz kreveta, postali su nemogući.

Lekari su nam rekli da možda neće preživeti, ali Vladenka se nastavila boriti svim silama. Prošla je kroz 11 hirurških zahvata u poslednje tri godine, zbog uklanjanja metastaza i pucanja creva. Prezivela je pronalazeći neverovatnu snagu u ljubavi prema životu i želji da ne napusti svoju decu. Njena najveća želja je da doživi unuke i vidi svoju porodicu kako raste.

Taj san je sada bliži ostvarivanju zahvaljujući terapiji sotorasibom koja joj je značajno poboljšala kvalitet života. Međutim, troškovi terapije i potencijalne personalizovane vakcine su visoki, i porodica ih više ne može priuštiti. Stoga vas molimo za pomoć.
Vaša podrška bi omogućila Vladenki najbolju moguću šansu za izlečenje i dug život bez bola. Vaša pomoć bi značila sve za nju, za nas, i za sve koji se bore sa sličnim izazovima.

Unapred vam se zahvaljujemo na svakom obliku podrške koji nam možete pružiti. Vaša pomoć nam daje nadu i snagu da nastavimo ovu tešku borbu.

Hvala vam od srca.


  • Marko Popovic
    • $20
    • 12 d
  • Anonymous
    • $100
    • 1 mo
  • Anonymous
    • $5
    • 2 mos
  • Veselin Kovacevic
    • $500
    • 2 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $50
    • 2 mos


Tijana F
Port Moody, BC

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