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Help us save our charity and raise £50k

We must raise 50k to keep our work going. Without it, we will have no choice but to close our doors 1 week from today.
Like many charities, our goal for the last eighteen months has been to survive the financial setbacks imposed by the pandemic, and to give our all to raise funds for our project partners in Africa. Despite the difficulties, the achievements have been incredible, exceeded our expectations and will improve the lives of our communities for generations to come.
Now tragically, Covid-19 has forced us into a desperate funding shortage and we need urgent help.
We are raising funds to cover the core costs of keeping the charity open for 1 more year, so that we can continue fundraising for Africa and so that we can find long term partnerships that will enable us to keep going for many more years. Without keeping going, all funding to Africa will cease immediately and there will be no UK team actively fundraising on their behalf.
Without Bread & Water for Africa UK, there will be no way to raise, govern and manage the flow of funds to the children and families we support in Africa. We are doing all we can to avoid leaving our amazing African projects without the funds they need to feed, care for and school local children.
Please watch the video recorded today, direct from our project leader John, in Sierra Leone who can tell you exactly how much our support means to the children he cares for. Please rest assured that if we do not hit the £50k target needed to keep the charity afloat, we will instead donate every penny raised to the children under John’s care.
Bread & Water for Africa UK has been in operation for 18 years, and achieves huge things with a tiny budget and a tiny team so you can rest assured your donation will make a massive difference!
As a charity run by only THREE WOMEN, working from home using our own laptops and paying our own bills, we do not waste a penny on overhead costs. Supporting our project partners is our only aim and as a result, we achieve a huge amount for very little. In the last 18 years we have sent well over 1 million pounds to Africa for start-up projects that have gone on to become 100% self-sufficient.
Together with our supporters, we have been fighting poverty, relieving hunger and increasing access to healthcare and education in some of the world’s poorest countries. In partnership with our African community projects, we have:
  • Put 6,851 children through school
  • Provided at least 2 million meals to starving African children
  • Trained 2,350 adults new skills to support employment and self sustainable livelihoods
  • Provided a home for 2,400 orphaned, abandoned or street children
  • Given 730,950 people access to healthcare
….and so much more!
As CEO of Bread & Water for Africa UK, and a friend to our project leaders, like John, it breaks my heart to send this appeal. So, once again, please help us raise the urgent funds we need to survive and spread our appeal as far and wide as you can to friends, colleagues, businesses, and the world!
By helping us to achieve our challenge of raising 50k in till the end of February, you not only would be part of our record fundraising appeal but actually save our charity and save our lifeline to Africa for years to come.
We cannot do this without you.
Ruby Glasspool
CEO, Bread & Water for Africa UK


Bread and Water for Africa UK

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