Help Us Reach Our 30th Season!
Tax deductible
For 29 seasons, Bird-On-A-Cliff (Byrdcliffe Theatre Company) has made The Woodstock Shakespeare Festival a village tradition, consistently bringing the “Best of the Bard” to the vibrant Hudson Valley community year after year. Unfortunately, we are at risk of 2024 being our final season. One of the private foundations that has consistently provided us with the core funding needed to bring our shows to the Comeau Property has permanently shut down. Therefore, we are humbly turning to you, our beloved audience, to help keep Shakespeare in Woodstock alive, ensuring we can celebrate our 30th season in 2025. Our goal is to raise $10,000 dollars by the year’s end. Help keep the tradition alive!
Your contribution will make a SIGNIFICANT impact. Here's a summary of where the money is used:
- 40% Actors & Technicians
- 20% Supplies and Hospitality
- 25% Publicity
- 15% Administrative

Byrdcliffe Theatre Company, Inc.