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Help us pay for Cooper's radiation treatments

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A few months ago we noticed a bump on Cooper 's head that wasn't there before. It didn't take long to realize it was a problem, and after several vet visits, XRays and CT scans, and attempts to biopsy it, we found out Cooper has a sarcoma - Cancer, and pretty aggressive :(
You can see it on the left side of his head, and how it's affecting his eye. The tumor is on the inside and outside of his skull, but thankfully is growing more out than in. It has gotten into his ear canal as well. He has trouble chewing and opening his mouth on the left side, and he's started having issues with drooling on that side as well.
Cooper is a very sweet boy and it's safe to say that everyone that meets him loves him immediately. He's our baby <3
He'll be receiving Stereotactic radiation treatments, which are the most expensive but can target the tumor directly and avoid his brain and other organs in his head (rather than full course radiation). For these treatments, we need to drive him 1.5 hours each way, but thankfully only for 4 total visits.
Cooper is quite possibly (most certainly in our opinion) the best doggo ever, and we'd love for him to get back to his old goofy self (as shown on his Instagram ) as soon as possible!
During all of this, Cooper's mom is in recovery from major back surgery, which will have its own set of costs (along with the costs of dealing with a few complications that arose from said surgery). We would appreciate any help that we can get towards paying for Cooper's treatments, and the gas that it takes to get to and from his radiation appointments / potential hotel stays.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for anything that you can do to help Cooper! ❤️


  • Patricia Robb
    • 100 $ 
    • 3 ans
  • Arilyn Campbell
    • 5 $ 
    • 3 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 5 $ 
    • 3 ans
  • Allison Jacobsen
    • 10 $ 
    • 3 ans
  • Lisa Boudreau
    • 25 $ 
    • 3 ans


Hilary Weaver-Robb
Farmington Hills, MI

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