Help to save Leather Lane Oaks from HS2
Donation protected
This photo above is of the sunset at Leather Lane - showing threatened woodland and ancient oaks on the left (south side) where 7 species of bats - including the endangered Barbastelle- forage and commute down this vital green corridor. Versus HS2-owned, fenced and flat land on the right (Northside).
This fundraiser is to help save the remainder of Oak Trees on Leather Lane from being felled by EKFB, present alternative over-road routes and designs, ensure mitigation for wildlife is in place and to make HS2 accountable for their crimes against nature. With the support of local residents, activists, and independent ecologists from across country evidence has been gathered of wildlife crimes being committed by HS2; along with the 'Save Leather Lane Oak Trees from HS2' petition receiving over 40,000 signatures so far, the campaign has attracted media attention from organisations such as the BBC and The Independent. Because of this, the RSPB and RSPCA, along with other non-governmental conservation institutions, have joined Lawyers for Nature and Buxton Solicitors to take action against HS2.
So far, the funding for this campaign has been used to successfully provide evidence of high bat activity, thorough research, investigation and reporting that has enabled us to come this far. As you know we have had some success in saving 40 per cent of the oak trees in Leather Lane; we must continue to save, not only Leather Lane, but the biodiversity and endangered species that thrive there.
Interested parties supporting our campaign include The Chiltern Conservation Board, The Chiltern Society and local councillors.
Sadly 9 of the oaks were felled for the track cutting which we expected.
However, if our campaign succeeds, no more trees will be felled on Leather Lane and we will have saved 87 trees in total!
We are continuing to monitor bat activity over the track trace cutting; watching for any changes in bat foraging and commuting activity, as well as the number and species. This data is being collected and will be reviewed and analysed by professional ecologists as part of our continued campaign for HS2 to re-route the over-road to the Northern side of Leather Lane and to provide permanent mitigation for the commuting corridor in the form of a green bridge crossing for the bats.
Unfortunately, we cannot speak for the rest of the wildlife that have been killed or severely disturbed and we will never fully know how much biodiversity we have lost.
So PLEASE continue to support out work - we need to continue to engage, scrutinise, campaign and create alternatives.
We need funds to:
1. Provide detailed engineering and topographical surveys in order to present detailed alternative over-road designs to EKFB
2. Provide thorough research, reporting and designs for a permanent green crossing for the bats
3. Ongoing monitoring of the bat corridor with support of an Ecologist and other experts
4. A thermal imaging camera to be able to locate and record bats and wildlife more effectively
5. Possible legal action should any further breaches or criminal offences occur
6. Other potential costs to meet this challenge in order to protect Leather Lane and its biodiversity
If you are interested in knowing more about the journey of our campaign, please read the archived updates on our petition here: https://www.change.org/p/hs2-save-leather-lane-oak-trees-from-hs2 and our twitter campaign here: https://twitter.com/blaize_x/status/1414278607086800903?s=21.
Please do NOT donate on the petition site; I repeat do Not press the red button on the petition site!
Please make your donation on this gofundme page below or if you would prefer to donate any less than the £5 minimum allowance on go fund me or would just rather donate to me directly, my PayPal can be found here:
Don't forget to 'Subscribe for Future Updates' here too.
Any donation will be greatly appreciated, no matter how much. Thank you so much x
Fundraising team (2)
Blaize O’Callaghan
Nathan Shingler
Team member