Help Todd and Melissa with medical costs.
Hi everyone, I’m starting this to help my brother Todd, his wife Melissa, and their daughter Bailey with current and future medical costs.
On November 24th, Todd had a massive stroke while home, which left him completely paralyzed on his left side. He was cognitive and aware of who he was and where he was at the time, and after having an MRI which showed a clot in his brain, the decision was made to life-flight him to the University of Nebraska neuroscience department for immediate surgery.
That night after the surgery, we found out that they got most of the clot, but not all. He was sedated, and we awaited another MRI the next night to see how much damage the stroke had incurred. The doctors said it was a large stroke, and that they’d continue to do an MRI every morning to watch for swelling on the brain.
After Wednesday morning’s MRI, the intracranial pressure had reached a point that his doctors made the decision to remove the right hemisphere of his skull before any further damage could be incurred. That surgery was successful, and he will remain sedated in the ICU for the next couple of days.
As of me writing this, he’s stable with a slight fever, but we are all leaning on one another and hoping that he will pull through this. That being said, the road ahead for Todd and his family is going to be long and hard even with the best of outcomes. Thankfully, Todd is close to home, but the time off work for Melissa and the hotel stays, along with the medical bills that are and will be continuing in the future, are going to be mountainous.
I’m asking for everyone’s thoughts and prayers for Todd and Melissa. If you are able to help financially, please do so here. All monies raised will go to Melissa to help with any and all future costs from Todd’s lengthy road ahead.
I and my family can’t thank you enough for any help that you see yourselves putting forward.
Our family will continue to place updates when we can on here to keep everyone informed.
11/29 Update
They are going to start bringing him out of sedation today to see how it goes. They are also going to remove the breathing tube today or tomorrow since he is doing most of it on his own.
His medications are being a little switched up today too, so that's a good sign.
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