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Help Tim Breathe with a BIPAP

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My husband Tim is 34 years old, and has been diagnosed with Early onset COPD.  Recently, he had developed sleep apnea, and stops breathing in his sleep.  We have 2 young daughters, aged 3 and 6 who absolutely adore their daddy.  They see him attached to his nebulizer day and night, and now, with the sleep apnea, he spends all night on it, taking steroids to keep his lungs working, and is not able to sleep.  A BiPAP is the best option to keep him sleeping (and breathing!) at night so he doesnt have to use steroids.  Until recently we were on state medical insurance.  Due to a $0.30 raise, we are no longer eligible, and cannot afford insurance out of pocket.  If you know Tim, you know what a gift he is to this world.  If you are able to help, even just alittle, we would be forever grateful.



  • Brandon Naterra
    • $50
    • 7 yrs


Dawn Buettner Bullis
Tucson, AZ

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