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Help the murphy's move

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Since before Mark and I were married we have felt the calling to live in Norman, OK. Every time we've been there it has felt like home. However, it's taken a while to get there. We feel that now is the time as we can no longer afford where we are living and we have a 4th child on the way. This move would also allow for Jen to stay home with the girls and be a better part of their lives. With not being able to afford monthly expenses where we are now it makes it near impossible to afford all that comes with moving. We've tried for the loans and credit cards and been denied them all. So now we are prayerfully reaching out to see if anyone else wants to help. Please do not feel obligated. We just wanted to offer a space for those that want to help.


  • Anónimo
    • $125 
    • 7 yrs


Jen Murphy
Boulder, CO

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe