Help Shayna & Apollo get back on their feet!
In February, Apollo and I were left By my then-fiancé to pay our $850/mo rent + utilities. I couldn’t work from March-July due to covid. I got my stimulus check in May and i paid that to my landlord, but they still demanded my rent from April & June. I had to decide between feeding Apollo and i or paying rent.
They took me to court July 20th and i now have 11 days to pay them $1700 plus court fees($250).
I start my job on August 31st so i don’t have time to pay. I was supposed to get unemployment and i still haven’t, i was also supposed to get a tax return, and i still haven’t received that either. Anything helps, I’m currently living with Apollo’s grandparents on his dads side i would hate for this to go down as an eviction so that we can not find another place to live again.