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Help Sayong and Her Kids Through This Crisis

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Hi Everyone. My name is Krystyn. I wanted to ask for your help to help Rosario “Sayong” Galagate Abada. Everyone in San Joaquin knows and loves Sayong. Sayong has been part of the “tinda” since I can remember. She is a great friend and a great mother.

Years ago, Sayong was diagnosed with a tumor in her brain. A couple of days ago, she was rushed to the hospital due to seizures and pneumonia. As of recently, her kids found out that the tumor is taking over more than 2/3 of her brain. I am kindly asking everyone to help me raise money to help Sayong and her kids. This money will go to medical bills, medication, and anything else she might need to help relieve some burden off their shoulders. Any small amount helps. Thank you for everything.


  • Wesley Marvin
    • $30
    • 2 mos
  • Wesley Marvin
    • $30
    • 2 mos
  • Kaitlyn Pitt
    • $10
    • 2 mos
  • Minnie Cervantes
    • $30
    • 2 mos
  • Minnie Cervantes
    • $10
    • 2 mos


Krystyn Calderon
New Providence, NJ

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