Help save Ulla's sites about natural healing
Donation protected
Without your TIP, these sites may soon "RIP"
(which would be a shame if I say so myself).
For some 17 years, I ran two sites, and, which have received accolades such as 'goldmine', 'lifesaver', and 'best site on this subject ever.' Both were a labor of love, which I was able to keep up due to advertising revenue which helped pay associated site costs as well as my own modest needs and rent.
For these sites as well as some related niche websites, times have drastically changed, however, and ad revenue plummeted 95% starting in 2017. The main cause was inexplicable downranking of websites considered politically incorrect, followed by a FB boycott. This means that websites like mine can no longer be found by millions of people unless they use a search engine that does not filter results such as duckduckgo.
It has also meant that while there are many dozens of yet unpublished potentially life-changing or -saving pages of information I would love to add to my sites as well as create more similarly helpful new sites, even meeting daily / monthly bills or covering the basic costs associated with maintaining and expanding my websites has been a struggle for several years now.
While I was able to, I have donated to dozens of good causes both large and small amounts. Now I need help myself if I don't want to potentially face homelessness.
What Your Donation Would Help Accomplish
1. It would free me from worries and from wasting precious time each month scrambling to reunite the funds for the next rent payment for me and a very ill friend (who has complex PTSD, more below) I‘ve had to fully support for years. 1 year of two rents to pay (both small one-room apartments) equals 305.70+335*12 = 7688,40 EUR. Any amount I might receive beyond 7688,40 EUR would complement the 200 EUR monthly I am currently earning myself to allow for food and other basic necessities to be covered.
2. I could fully focus on adding value to my existing websites such as by helping cancer research by translating unknown but highly important work done by German and French doctors and researchers.
Did you know for instance there was a German professor of medicine who did years of meticulous research showing that in every case of cancer there is a fungal parasitic infection involved (which adds credence to a modern-day oncologist's theory and opens significant new vistas for treatment)?
Or have you heard of Homotoxicology, developed by a German physician and successfully used in both cancer and dental treatment?
3. I could at last start working on other natural healing websites I have long planned. This includes the healing of back and other pain (some based on personal experience). I also have plans for a site on preventing and healing stroke and heart attacks (based on powerful German-language information unavailable in English), a site on preventing Alzheimer's etc.
4. I would invest time to create a strong presence on non-censoring social media to help more people to find my natural health sites again.
All of this and more I would be free to share with the English-speaking world if I were freed of immediate financial worries which eat up time.
Your gift - no matter how small since no donation is too small! - would thus help not just one or a few persons as with other campaigns, but potentially millions.
Why I Created My Websites on Naturally Healing Two of the Most Common Illnesses Which Plague Humanity
My best friend's mother, Vanessa from London, UK, was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2001 which later metastasized to the liver. As I saw her languish through her treatment to what seemed the inevitable bitter end, I started collecting information on natural ways of healing cancer, originally in a desperate effort to help her heal.
Despite my best efforts, Vanessa died in October 2003 after opting for 2 years of conventional cancer treatment.
Despite my sadness, I knew I had to freely share what I had learned about the possibilities in the natural treatment of cancer and the hope this entails and decided to launch the first pages in January 2004, with Vanessa's son helping to create and maintain the technological backbone of the site.
Our mission is to help make the world a better place by helping improve and even save lives. I have since in several years full-time work expanded the site to nearly 1000 pages which have been visited by many millions of people. Being trilingual (German, English, French), I revive and report on forgotten as well as new approaches in the field, with particular emphasis on inexpensive and holistic mind-body approaches and remedies to give HOPE and help improve and restore the health of my readers and yes, their pets as well.
In 2010, I added my website on healing teeth and powerful ways to stop toothache and even heal the pain of trigeminal neuralgia - described as the most excruciating pain a human can feel which has driven many victims to suicide. This website is based on my very own in-depth experience with dentistry and widest reading on and application of natural remedies to help further the health of teeth and gums. I consider this information of such crucial importance - since the status of our teeth and gums can deeply affect our general health - that I actually have paid for translations into several languages (some 6000 EUR). That the subjects of dental health and cancer are indeed partially interlinked - surprisingly at first blush - will become evident as you study my sites.
Why I decided to publish and share freely
I could have spent the estimated five or six years full-time work I've spent so far on my websites on writing several voluminous books on the subjects instead. But I've always dreamed of a world where mutual sharing is a matter of course - where everyone contributes what they do best and in turn benefits from what everyone else has to give.
I am also the full-time carer of a very ill friend
After a series of personal tragedies, my best friend developed incapacitating complex PTSD in 2015 and has been seriously handicapped ever since. Having been cut off of all his previous support, he has been fully reliant on me as his sole financial and emotional support since that year. I have been literally carrying all his burdens for six years (although taller than me, much of the time he lacks the energy to carry anything heavier than 2 pounds). I will not go into details here of the toll all this has exacted on me - but I am still standing (or rather sitting as I write this).
The only thing that has kept me and him afloat is selling my personal possessions which will be running out in the foreseeable future unless I abandon all work on my health websites and fully return to professional paid work even though my heart is in the former.
Please Support My Work — Donate Now
Please help me and my life's work navigate these challenging times a bit more easily. Your gift will not only assist me but many others via my websites which already have assisted so many by providing truthful as well as novel information on inexpensive and holistic remedies that have shown great potential to help heal. Health is more important than wealth - as many only seem to realize when they have lost their health.
You can also donate via WISE (details found on the "donations" and "support this site" pages of my websites), a very cost-effective way of transferring money.
If you wish to donate via PayPal instead (the least economic option), please copy this link:
For please send to sponsoring AT (replacing the AT with the @ sign).
For donations in EUR to my ING account please use
DE81 5001 0517 5420 8832 16
(This way all the money goes to me rather than partially to Paypal.)
Thank you so much for your empathy, kindness and generosity.
Ulla Schmid
Founder, and
Ulla Schmid
Berlin, Berlin