Help save Angus Waffleton!
Mr Angus “Waffles” Waffleton has had a very, very rough start to his life. As a tiny emancipated kitten he was grabbed by a dog and his pelvis was broken. He also had a bad upper respiratory infection. After being on bed rest for six weeks, his pelvis healed and he was the most out going, affectionate, good natured cat you can imagine. that’s when we adopted him from his rescue two months ago.
This past Friday we woke up to find that he was extremely sick and congested and lethargic. We took him to emergency and they thought it was a bad cold.
the next day he got worse and began spinning in circles. We drove him an hour away to the closest 24 hour emergency vet and they recommended us to UC Davis. The good news is he isin the best possible hands. The bad news is the best possible hands are expensive. The estimate for the CT scan, surgery, lab work and oxygen tent is close to $13,000.
the kicker is we JUST paid $12000 for a plumbing leak and mold in one room of our new house. This is our first time as home owners and things just keep happening. So this comes as a really hard blow.
Waffles needs surgery to remove a polyp in his
nose and relieve the pressure on his brain. He did have a small brain bleed, which caused the circling, so he needs to be on rest for at least two days to heal that before they can do the surgery.
on top of this one of our other cats has been fighting with our foundling kitten and trying to eat her. She doesn’t understand “friends aren’tfood” and she attacked her like a rabbit and sliced her belly open. It’s just the skin and fat, no muscle, her prognosis is fine, but it was another $1000 trip to emergency. Waffles is usually the one that keeps Sausage, the other cat, from harassing the kitten. Once they get home Sausage and Fizzgig will be separated as we figure out the best way to sort this.
we have paid for everything out of our emergency savings, but we are quickly depleting it. We’re just hoping to get some donations to try and offset this cost since I’m unable work right now because of my mental health has deteriorated from stress prior to this.
any donations are super appreciated. Thank you to anyone who donates. Waffles is the BEST cat. We want him to recover, even if it’s a financial hardship. Same with Fizzgig. She’s the sweetest little tortoise shell foundling(I found her wandering out neighborhood last week. She was most likely dumped there).