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Help the Rivera family after a 8 alarm fire

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On April,6,2021 a massive fire broke out in Jackson Heights( 89-07 34th ave )causing hundreds of family to be displaced unfortunately me and my family were one of the tenants living in the building.

I Edwin Rivera have lived in the building for 30years all my memories are here from childhood to my teenage years and now my adult hood ,I had just stepped inside my house from walking my dog when the fire started and in just seconds my whole life as well as my family’s has changed. From things burning & water damage our belongings are unsalvageable.

Any donation is greatly appreciated nothing is to small , I know the amount asked on this might seem to high but as we all know NYC rent is extremely expensive please help me and my family to get back on our feet and recreate our lives this donation will help us with getting new beds , bed sheets cloth etc. THANK YOU!!! Pleaserepost & share! God bless you & please say a prayer  





  • Sussan Garcia
    • 562 $ 
    • 3 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 50 $ 
    • 3 Jahre
  • Jennifer Maccagnano
    • 20 $ 
    • 3 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 10 $ 
    • 3 Jahre
  • Lauren Brown
    • 50 $ 
    • 3 Jahre


Edwin Queens
Jackson Heights, NY

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