Help Residents Displaced by Arrive Apartment Fire
Donation protected
THANK YOU! We have met our goal and will be doing our distribution on February 28th.
Your help is urgently needed in the wake of the apartment fire at Arrive Silver Spring on Saturday, February 18th. More than 100 families are displaced from their homes, and over 40 families will not be able to return.
Montgomery County has partnered with Silver Spring Cares to help raise funds to address the immediate needs of our displaced neighbors. The county has also launched a fund through MHP (Montgomery Housing Partners) to help address long-term needs.
Many Arrive residents lost everything and are currently being housed in hotels without access to cooking facilities. With no living stipend from renters insurance, they are having to buy all of their meals from restaurants, which can be a significant hardship, especially for those with larger families.
Funds raised here will help these neighbors buy meals and manage their increased cost of living while they are waiting to return home or be rehoused. They will be distributed in partnership with Montgomery County HHS.
Please give whatever you can - and if you’d like to donate a gift card to a local restaurant or grocery store instead of cash, reach out to us at silverspringcares.org. We’ll be happy to arrange a drop-off or pick-up.
Silver Spring Cares
Silver Spring, MD