Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Help renovate our Science Bus!

In 1983, John and Marsha Sundquist purchased a 33 acre property just north of Coburg, Oregon; over the years John developed River's Turn organic farm with fruit orchards, a bamboo forest, greenhouses, beehives, hazelnuts, and a Linden Tree grove. He generously invited the wider community to visit, learn, and enjoy the farm. Local Head Start classrooms, as well as other local school classes, spent many happy hours wandering around with "Farmer John" learning about worms and soil, planting and harvesting, and all the good things to eat! In 2019, John gathered a group of interested friends who are teachers, social workers, scientists, artists, farmers, plant breeders, and seed producers to join him in his vision of ensuring that his farm could continue as an educational legacy. This is Parker Learning Gardens. In 2021, Farmer John passed away; however, his friends and the Board of Directors are committed to continuing the vision.

Parker Learning Gardens exists to connect children with the World of Plants. We offer classes and fun adventures on the farm, helping people of all ages learn more about pollinators, growing food, pigs in the garden, biochar, composting and vermiculture, bamboo crafting and much more. We have been hosting tours and classes: Wonder Gardening for Tots, Bamboo Exploration and Crafting, Seasonal Food Gardening, Pigs in the Garden, and Afterschool Garden Clubs for families and schoolchildren from the local Migrant Education program, Head Start families, the Eugene-Springfield area, and Lane County.

We are ready to expand! We need to improve accessibility and infrastructure, as well as administrative support so we can reach, and serve, more of our local community. We envision a Science Bus where students can discover secrets of the gardens with books, microscopes, and a mini science lab for conducting experiments. We envision improving our hoophouse and entrance to prepare for increased traffic this fall so we can continue to welcome groups into the rainy season: We will be holding a Fundraiser and Volunteer Appreciation event on August 27th; and we will be offering a Halloween weekend extravaganza of corn maze, haunted bamboo, autumn games, U-pick organic apples, music, and a raffle in November.

Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit PLG, and help meet our wish to expand and serve more of our local community! Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that is so important in our changing world.



  • Anónimo
    • $20 
    • 1 yr
  • Kathleen Krushas
    • $50 
    • 2 yrs
  • Savannah Flores
    • $10 
    • 2 yrs
  • Jennilee Cryblskey
    • $40 
    • 2 yrs
  • Carol S Soto
    • $100 
    • 2 yrs

Equipo de recaudación de fondos (2)

Robin WinfreeAndrew
Eugene, OR
Parker Learning Gardens
Jenna Tilley
Team member

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