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I want to thank you for your support and love. My new fundraiser goal has been met. I thank you with all of my heart.
With love, Raulette
Hi, my name is Raulette Woods and I am battling stage IIIC1 terminal cervical cancer. I am an optimist and a firm believer in the power and focus of the mind to heal, combined with a well-disciplined health regimen and proactive awareness of the body’s progressive improvement toward recovery. I have had a most remarkable healing experience that defied the expectations of my doctors by already surviving 2 years when they gave me only 6 months to 1 year to live. I was able to reverse a good portion of cancer for a time, and I believe I can do it again with the generous help from compassionate people like you! Here is my story.
I LOVE Life! I grew up in Northern California with loving parents and had a great childhood. In high school, I was MVP for Varsity Spring Board Diving, which attracted an athletic scholarship to attend UCLA. There, I graduated with a BA in Design, then pursued a career in the visual arts and technologies of film production, then I became a business owner of visual effects production. Later, I accepted the role of caretaker for my mother and, because of this, I chose to take on part-time positions as a Senior Executive Assistant: clients included celebrities, corporations and creative boutique businesses. I have always loved visual arts and technology, to travel and enjoy a variety of sports such as cycling, skiing, snowboarding, tandem skydiving, tandem hang-gliding and SCUBA. LIFE is wonderful….
In 2020, at the age of 64, I was diagnosed with Stage IIIC1 cervical cancer. I completed chemo and radiation treatments by the end of January 2021. By May of 2021, the doctors informed me that the cancer had metastasized and had spread to the lymph nodes. They concluded the prognosis as Stage IIIC1 terminal cervical cancer, with the only option of continued chemo to prolong life, but there is no cure. This is when they informed me I might have only 6 months to 1 year to live.
Upon receiving this devastating news, I remained positive with a proactive mindset. I continued my health and healing regimen with the same focus I applied at the time of the diagnosis and throughout treatment. After four months from the prognosis, I convinced the doctors to order one more set of PET/CT scans.
The tumor board and doctors studied the results and were amazed that I was somehow able to reverse a good portion of the metastasized cancer. They asked me, “WHAT DID YOU DO?” I informed them of the daily disciplines I had designed for myself with the help of my support team: the focus of nutrition, hydration, rest and progressive exercise. Though this is not a scientific study, I truly believe my ability to stay focused with a forward healing mindset in the privacy of my own controlled living space, away from distraction, was key to the daily progress I was making.
I was now 65 and forced into early Social Security retirement. I was classified as a terminally disabled senior - not able to work - with no disability benefits. By now, my personal savings were nearly exhausted and I was no longer able to afford my healing studio apartment. I was now not only facing a Health Crisis, but a Financial Crisis, which, in turn, created a Housing Crisis.
As a result, I had to leave my private stable living environment, my medical team and my established support groups. During this time my car pooped out, then my computer… add Transportation and Communications Crisis. (I still had my iPhone. Yay!)
Needless to say, my progress with healing and maintaining my health routine was interrupted. I was now faced with a host of survival skills all at once!
An opportunity opened up for a temporary shared-housing situation in the home of a friend in Northern California. I researched what was available for medical and subsidized housing opportunities in the area and found promising solutions, so considering my housing crisis, I took advantage of the opportunity and moved in. Within the first three months, there was a hiccup in securing local medical care and subsidized housing opportunities. I was able to eventually build a medical team in the next county; the downside, of which, has been a transportation and financial challenge due to the distance, without a car, and lack of appointments due to overbooking. I have been here now for 18 months and have made the most of the available resources. I have been able to get my name onto 30 disabled senior housing waitlists statewide. I have learned that due to demand, securing a studio can take a very long time. Social workers have told me they are impressed with my organization and productivity, something they do not see too often. The challenge is always in finding a waitlist that is open that suits the seeker. As it turns out, the majority of waitlists I am on are back in Los Angeles where I have spent most of my life.
My present living situation is located in the colder Northern California climate. This, along with being so far from my Los Angeles medical and personal support teams, has inhibited my ability to maintain my health routine. Where I am now was to be a temporary stepping stone for 6 months to a year and not intended for any long period of time.
Though I have been able to rebuild a medical support team in Northern California, these specialist doctors have been overbooked and have prolonged delays in scheduling and follow-up appointments. And because they are 36 miles away, (it becomes especially complicated without owning a car) the commute prevents me from being able to take spontaneous standby appointments. As a result, after 18 months, in dire need of an in-person, detailed exam and re-evaluation of my prognosis, I reached out to my doctors in Los Angeles. Within one week I was booked.
It's back. On February 8, my doctors in Los Angeles ordered a follow-up set of PET/CT scans. They were able to give me a thorough in-person exam. They explained that the cancer has advanced and spread. I am also dealing with an added side effect as a result of radiation damage to lymph nodes during treatment, Lymphedema to my pelvic area and left leg. (Lymphedema is a common chronic side effect with no yet known cure. It requires physical therapy, which my insurance covers, and daily management to keep it under control.)
It is starkly obvious to me that I have support, resources, and an excellent medical team in Los Angeles and I need to be there to access their help and treatment. In addition, I have found that dealing with side effects and cancer itself require my own private bathroom and living space with kitchenette so that I do not bother housemates at all hours of the day and night.
I have come to the conclusion that I need to get back into a stable living situation ASAP, back in Los Angeles near my doctors and support systems. I have examined all options available and I have come to realize that donated gift funds are the only solution to resolve my unique housing and transportation needs so that I can effectively manage my heath.
I have confidence that I can reverse the cancer again if I can get back to the most healing environment for me. And that is why I am asking for help today.
After learning of GoFundMe, I reached out to my former landlord in Los Angeles. I reviewed a copy of the lease so I could itemize what I would need to qualify for housing.
The studio I am seeking has a closest proximity to my doctors and support teams of 3 miles (not 36 miles, each direction, as in Northern California). It is located in a safe neighborhood with a walking radius of 1 mile to amenities such as groceries, pharmacy, post office and daily walks and exercise. Here, I have neighbors, friends, specialist doctors, medical staff, nutritionists, physical therapists and healers, all of whom know my history from the onset, and are my support team.
I have itemized all expenses I would need to qualify for a 1-year lease, plus utilities, as well as transportation such as Lyft, Uber, and rental car as needed. All other expenses will be covered by my Social Security and medical insurance. This promising opportunity will provide me a healing environment for 1 year and will give me the needed time and space to heal without having to deal with other survival issues while I wait for a vacancy in senior housing. Being able to move into this studio, or one similar, will give me peace of mind and tide me over so that I can work on my healing. Most importantly, in a stable, private studio apartment, I will be able to focus on my proactive daily health routines that my body loves and responds to!
Once I can secure a senior studio apartment from the waitlist, I will be able to manage my financial needs. Your help will get me through this interim period.
YOUR GIFT DONATION COVERS 1-year studio apartment lease, utilities and transportation (Lyft, Uber, and car rental with rental insurance, gas, and parking as needed).
No donation is too small. Prayers and your positive outlook, and sharing with others, are equally powerful. Thank you SO much!
If you are able to donate, or know someone who would like to donate (who may also know someone), I have summarized below how many donations it would take at one given amount to reach my $35,000 goal. Here is an example of how it might come together:
at $20 each = 1750 separate donations
at $50 each = 700 separate donations
at $100 each = 350 separate donations
at $1000 each = 35 separate donations
I truly believe (and strongly hope) my GoFundMe goal is attainable at this time. I have done my best to identify the absolute minimum amount I need for my GoFundMe donation page.
Your gift, and love, are immeasurable. I know there are Superheroes out there who want to meet the cause. In the past, for others, I have been that Superhero and the feeling never goes away. The balance of giving and receiving creates a joyful and most powerful balance in energy and quality of life.
Please share with everyone you know. You may just discover, you too, are surrounded by more Superheroes than you realize. xoxo
With gratitude and great relief in finding this phenomenal platform, I look forward to providing happy updates!!!
I thank you, again, with all of my heart,
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Raulette Woods
Vallejo, CA