Help Panther Pal get an Ultra Sound
This is panther pal in one of his more him states. Black cats are often mistreated, and therefor, I believe need extra love.
This is a cat that was given to me by a very good friend of mine. A cat who not only bonded to be, but lays on my arm and licks it. Who nuzzles my chin, licks my beard, paws at my face for food, announces his arrival, and brings me lizards.
He's a gem with an amazing personality. His problem is he just got diagnosed with Pancreatitis, and he needs an ultra sound. We've already exhausted our funding by getting him tests, and now he's on IV , as well as an appetite stimulant.
The ultra sound is $800.00, and the extra will be for any other problems that might arise. He might even need more, but I don't like asking. Just this little guy isn't doing so well.
I am afraid for this little black bum, and I don't want his quality of life to fade. He desperately needs help. Thank you.
Brian, Glynis, and Cara